Are we seriously 10 weeks into 2013?
Is it really March already?
Is my child really turning 2 next month!!!
Goodness gracious time is flying friends...are you enjoying the flight? This past week found K and I wiping our runny noses (his on his sleeve, yuck!), taking more medicine than we should ever have to take for a common cold, and hunkering down with Nemo, Boz, and the Wiggles.
Though we're still dealing with some after effects of our colds we are looking forward to a week of getting out of the house and enjoying this last bit of cool weather before Houston turns into a hot and humid place again.
Here we are in the 10th week of Scripture Memory work.
Is there at least one of you who have benefited from memorizing Scripture this year?
Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Please let me know...even if you only have printed one of the cards I'd love to know that at least someone is enjoying the challenge of Scripture memory as much as I am.
You want to know a secret that I realized just's kinda embarrasing. I realized I can honestly repeat all of the memory verses, but I haven't been very good at also memorizing the passage name and John 15:5...oops!
Will definitely begin working on that a bit more!
So here's this week's memory's short and sweet and will hopefully allow me to go back to have a 10 week review session with my cards.
though it looks really large it's actually a 3x4...just right click, save, and print! I'm working on a devotional to go along with this verse. I hope to have it up on the blog later in the week.

I also took a picture of my cards hanging on my office wall, right above my computer. I print two copies each week; one for my office wall and one for my Project Life album. I just ordered the Project Life Mini Album to have one place where I can put all of the cards which are now on my wall. I think every 10 weeks or so I'll take them down and put them in the album. for the GIVEAWAY!!!!
At the dotMom conference I picked up a couple of these Women's Devotional cd's. I've listened to the first cd and found it to be very encouraging. It includes 10 minute messages from women such as Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer and Kelly Minter. I want to give a cd and this fantastic 40 day devotional written by Jen Hatmaker to one person who leaves me a comment between today and next Monday. I'll announce the winner next Monday on Memory Verse Monday.

To be entered leave a comment here on my blog and tell me what your favorite Scripture is and if I don't know you personally how you found my blog. Please feel free to share a link of my blog on your blog or facebook for another chance to win! And for a third chance to win become a subscriber to my blog by typing your email address in the feedburner bar to the right of this post. Those who already subscribe to my blog will be entered twice if they leave a comment on this post.