Dear Karsten---
2 years ago today you officially and legally became a part of our forever family. It's a moment in time that I hope I never forget, for in that moment everything in my life made sense and felt complete. These past 2 1/2 years have been the sweetest years of my life. Though being a Mommy can be challenging and exhausting and frustrating one minute, hour or day, the next thing I know I am overflowing with the joy and delight that comes from being your Mommy.
shadow photo with him wearing his dino hat
You are currently going to MDO 5 days a week at HCA where Mommy teaches 2nd grade. Though you may resist a bit in the mornings, and shed a few tears at your classroom door, I know you're enjoying your friends, teachers, and new experiences. At the end of each school day you say "I had fun" which warms my heart.
You are still a little guy weighing in at 28 lbs and still wearing 18-24 month clothes. You've become somewhat of a picky eater and I have to catch you in the right mood to get you to try a new food. You favorite foods are all fruit (apples and grapes are your favorites), shredded parmesan cheese, bean burritos, chips (though we limit those), yogurt, and pretty much any bread.
You are gaining knowledge at warp speed. You're learning your colors and numbers and can point out shadows. You love looking at the moon and stars at night and say "stop sun" when the sun is in your eyes. Your top two interests are currently trains and dinosaurs. Fish, other modes of transporation, and sports are also pretty high on your radar.
Your personality varies between very mellow to very excited depending on the activity. In new situations you are very cautious and quiet, but once you're comfortable you're adventerous spirit comes out. You're not a fan of loud noises and get very upset when there's a fire drill at school. You enjoy being around people, but tend to be more of an observer. You play by yourself really well though you also enjoy having friends to play with.
Since you're 2 1/2 you do have your fair share of mischief. You love getting into things you're not supposed to and then giggle when you're discovered. You think playing "catch me if you can" is the most hilarious of games...especially if you're naked! There are times when you think clothes are optional and you'll strip down....thankfully this has only happened at home.
a mischevious moment when he found a pack of gum...that face says it all
Potty training is moving forward, slowly but surely. You wear pull ups at school, which causes some confusion when you're home and wearing big boy underpants. Today was a landmark day because you went #2 on the potty! We threw a little potty party!
Little Bug---life with you is delightful and I cherish every single day!
you don't like things to be dirty, especially your hands!
We have a very close relationship that I treasure. You love to give me snuggles and "mommy hugs", but Daddy is definitely your hero and best friend. They way you play and interact makes my heart smile everyday.