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July 01, 2014


Kourtney Johnson

One little thing that makes me happy is spending time with my nieces and nephews and being involved with Youth Ministry. To see life through the eyes of young people inspires and revives me.


One thing that makes me happy are my children and weekends at home with them :)

Melinda D.

My kids make me happy! They are so sweet :)

Tonya Gigous

One thing that makes me happy....laughing! (Preferably with family and friends!)


Jack and Michael make me happy!


One thing (ok 2 things) that make me happy are butterfly kisses and Eskimo kisses from my children!!!


I am so happy when I wake up in the morning and the house is quiet and peaceful. I love it if I can spend time alone in the Word with a cup of coffee!

This is my favorite of the giveaways!! So great! Thanks for these chances to win!


I also follow on feed burner and instagram


Going hiking with my family today... that makes me happy :)


Taking photos and capturing these little moments make me very very happy! :)


Trips to the beach, taking in the fresh air, relaxing and enjoying nature's beauty!


My boys!! We are back in town soon!! I definitely want a play date with the boys!

Wendy kerth

You're so cute! Washi tape makes me happy! !!

Jessica Pfeiffer

I guess I'm easy to please- a sharpened Ticonderoga pencil makes me ridiculously happy. Give me a brand new notebook and I'm in heaven!

Michelle J.

Peanut butter M&Ms--those always make me happy!

Beverly Harrison

Early morning at the beach while enjoying that first cup of coffee.


My family makes me happy!

Kristina Woods

New craft supplies make me really happy. :) It's like a kid with new school supplies. :)


One little thing that makes me happy is waking up in the morning and finding that my daughter has snuck into my bed during the middle of the night & I didn't even know it. :)

Melissa Nabors

One thing that makes me happy is reading a book as a family. We each take turns every night to read a chapter or two. We're working on Kingdom Keepers right now and are loving it!

Karen Kessen

My family makes me happy.

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