In my journal I have written a list of Scriptures I'd like to memorize this year. I continually add to the list as I read through God's Word and His Spirit brings certain verses to light. I wrote down this week's verse sometime in December and knew I would memorize it early in 2014.
I just finished week 1 of Jen Hatmaker's Interrupted Bible study....ummm, WOW!!! If you've ever read any of Jen's work such as 7-A Mutiny Against Excess you know that she (along with conviction from the Holy Spirit) will make you feel really uncomfortable. Though I do have a few small issues with Jen Hatmaker it doesn't make any of what she writes about less true.
I'll be honest--I didn't choose this book. Our church is having all of the Life Groups split up into a men's group and woman's group. The men are reading and working through Fight by Craig Groeschel and the women are reading and working through Interrupted.
So where am I going with all of this? This verse stuck out to me when I looked over my list of verses this morning. THIS is what I need to burn into my heart these next two weeks. I can get so stinkin focused on what is worthless and lose focus of what is worthwhile. Whether it's putting my phone down to have real conversations, getting off the computer to engage my family, or staying away from Marshalls even though I really want a new shirt to wear. I don't know about you, but the world pulls at my attention all the time and I only become more distracted. I just want to seek out life in His ways...abundant life!
Enjoy the's of course from digital Project Life, specifically the Coral Edition. Let me know if you're memorizing with me friends! Blessings, Angela
I printed one for me and my daughter to both memorize :)
Thanks for sharing, and I also sent my bible study leader the above blog to read and to look into for our next bible study.
I needed this today!
Posted by: Yvonne Y. | January 15, 2014 at 06:37 PM