Since January I've been praying about going back to work in some capacity. Going back to the long hours and stress of a public school was not an option I was willing to consider. My top two priorities are being a wife and mom and I knew that personally my family and I would suffer if I returned to the public school setting. So, I applied and interviewed to be a teacher for Texas Virtual Academy (TXVA). Basically, I would have 60 students who were home schooled, but still under the public education umbrella. I would teach online a few hours a week and then spend the rest of my time monitoring students, answering parent's questions, and making sure that these students were prepared to take the state mandated test. This is a 40+ hour a week job that would have be taking Karsten to daycare 3 days a week and mother's day out 2 days a week. I was never truly at peace with it, but thought it was the best option that used my teaching degree and allowed me some flexibility.
In February I interviewed for a position at TXVA, but all they had available at that time was intermediate, which I was not comfortable with. I declined and told them I would be in touch in May to be considered for a position in the Fall teaching an elementary grade. I emailed my contact at TXVA a little over 2 weeks ago. The next day I found about a position for a 3rd grade teacher opening at a local, Christian school. I couldn't get this job out of my mind so I emailed my resume to the Principal the next day. She promptly emailed me their application....what could be considered a very intimidating application.
After filling the application which included my personal testimony, my philosophy of Christian education, and questions like "what do you believe about the origin of the universe?", I turned it in last Tuesday and received a call 2 hours later asking for an interview.
Yesterday afternoon I met with the principal and 2nd grade teacher for my "interview", which wasn't even an interview. In their words, "we read your application and answers to your questions and we fell in love with you. We want you, please come work with us!" Ummmm...OK!!! Currently there are only three, 3rd graders enrolled for Fall and there need to be six in order to make a class. If they don't have six enrolled then I'll teach 2nd or 1st grade. Either way...I'll have a job. Does it pay what I could make as a public school teacher....not.even.close, BUT doing what I truly enjoy doing in a low stress, Christian environment is worth the low salary. Thankfully, Brian has a great job with Dow which allows me to teach and minister to children and get paid in peanuts!
The BEST part....I can take Karsten with me where he'll attend a 5 day a week Mother's Day Out program. He'll be right down the hall from me. I'll know his teachers really well and what he's learning. This was key for me. He is SO ready to be learning and playing with peers. The school is 5 minutes from my house and it's very family friendly meaning that they want you to put your family first...not your job!
I know in my heart of hearts that God dropped this job into my lap at the perfect time! I've had 2 years home with my baby and though I thought I wanted to be a full time stay at home Mom, I've realized that isn't the best for me or Karsten. I'm excited about this next chapter, but I am glad that I still have almost 3 months of just being a Mom to the little bug!...though don't think I haven't already subscribed to Mailbox magazine!
Congrats, that is awesome! I'm glad you found something that will work out for both you and Karsten :)
Posted by: | May 25, 2013 at 05:25 PM