Brian has done a Lenten fast the past few years. He loosely bases his fast on the Orthodox fast and has fasted desserts, alcohol, junk food, and a lot of meat over the past few years. Because I'm the cook, and he's a great hubby, he always eats what I make for dinner. So, while he was fasting if I made something with meat for dinner, he ate it.
This year will be a bit different because I'm fasting as well. This is my first fast ever and to be perfectly honest I'm a little stressed about it, but I know it will help me to abide in Him. In a traditional fast, Sundays are exempt, but instead of not fasting on Sunday's we've decided to mark out a few days on the calendar where we can break the fast. Our anniversary and Brian's birthday will be two of these days.
We're not doing a specific fast, like the Daniel Fast, for many of which is that we'll be fasting for 40 days, not 21 days. During our fast we'll be cutting out
- excess sugar (this will be the hardest for me) in things like cookies, candy, sweets, and treats.
- meat (though I may make fish a couple of times a week to make sure we're getting enough protein)
- alcohol (beer, wine, liquor)
I will be cutting down on caffeine and the rest of the time I'll be drinking water. We've also decided that we're not going to be so rigid that it inconviences other people. Brian has a lot of work lunches coming up in the next weeks and if bbq is served he'll eat it, just not as much. We are not going to be legalistic about it...this is more of a time to place more discipline in our lives and cut out excess in our lives so that we can draw more closely to God...not to make sure that we're following a bunch of rules.
One of my reasons for doing this fast is my health. I've noticed the pounds adding up, I'm feeling frumpy, and I'm addicted to sugar. So, along with closely monitoring my diet I will also be walking everyday for a minimum of 20 minutes. **If I tell myself it's only 20 minutes I get myself outside and then inevitably walk for at least 30-45 minutes**
Fasting isn't just about depriving ourselves of things it's about replacing bad things with good things and good things with better things.
Another goal of mine during this fast is to carve out a minimum of 30 minutes everyday to write and pray. Basically, I'll replace time playing on pinterest, blogs, etc with time where I'm writing and talking to God. The writing will be done in my journal and much of it will be reflecting on what I'm reading and studying. I hope to be able to share some with you.
This fast will take abiding in Christ to a whole new level and for that I'm excited...I would love to know if you plan on fasting anything during this Lenten season. Please let me know I'm not alone! Leave me a comment...I could use the encouragment. I also plan on putting our weekly menus here so you can see what we're eating. Maybe I'll even get some new favorite recipes out of it!