Almost 22 months!!! Brian and I are already talking about what to get him for his 2nd birthday and how to celebrate his big day. I can hardly believe I'll have a 2 year old in just over 2 months!!!! We're hoping and praying for terrific twos rather than terrible twos
He loves to be outdoors more than anything else.
He is really good at dribbling the soccer ball as he runs.
He loves putting items in something and taking them out, over and over again.
He loves books, especially this one, Six Fine Fish. He chooses it nearly every night for story time.
He also loves Nemo....I see a trip to the aquarium in our future.
His vocabulary is growing every day.
- Bah= Boz (a dvd series he watches)
- Da= Daddy
- Ma= Momma
- Bub= Bubble
- Dow= Down...or where Da works!
- jew= Juice
- Num num= yum yum, or the Wiggles dvd, Yummy Yummy
- I luh you= I love you
- Oh No!= Oh No!
- Lo= Lola (neighbor's dog)
- choo choo= train
- all duh= all done
- go= go
He's still wearing some 12-18 month clothes, but mostly 18-24 months (which are big on him)
He LOVES going to the nursery at church to play and see his friends. He has quite a large fan club there!
He has days where he eats alot (and really well) and other days where he's just not interested in food.
He's at the age where he likes to "vroom" his cars around...I have a feeling this stage will stick around awhile.
He LOVES Elmo.
He enjoys drawing and coloring and has only colored on the walls twice. Thank God for the magic eraser!
He laughs and smiles most of the time...although whiney boy shows up occasionally.
Daddy is his best buddy---I love listening to them play in the evenings. Complete Joy!
this photo may be blurry, but look at the glee on that boy's face! He was watching football with Daddy and enjoying a snack!
He is a big fan of riding things...which will probably influence his birthday presents. This photo was taken at the Children's Museum...he wanted the helmet on.
If he sees an airplane outside he points to it and then runs around with arms out...pretending to fly.
To say this he is physically advanced is an understatement. He can keep up with the 3 and 4 year olds on the playground...and loves the slide
And my most favorite Karsten story of late: We were running errands last week and I was listening to our local Christian radio station, KSBJ. I was singing along to the Newsboy's very popular song "God's Not Dead" and as I was singing the chorus "My God's not dead. He's surely alive and He's living in the inside, roaring like a lion" and as soon as I sang roaring like a lion I hear a roar from the backseat. For the remainder of the song whenever he heard that chorus he began roaring.
This is our life with Karsten....he's so full of life...and learning more and more everyday. We are so blessed!
Some may question why I always have a camera with me...whether it's my point shoot or my dslr...this is capture moments at the playground, in the backyard, at the museum, etc. And the reason I blog??? These photos tell stories...stories I want to remember, but never would if I didn't take the time to write them down.