I had high hopes of posting this 2 days ago on 12.12.12, but real life happens and blog posts must be put on the backburner. Speaking of blog posts I am working on some new plans for the blog in 2013....just need to make sure I'm setting reasonable expectations for myself :)
Here are 12 photos that captured glimpses of life on 12.12.12 at the Moore home! You'll notice that K had a few outfit changes....that's just life with a messy, drooling 20 month old!
1. my little artist
2. Always several to do lists floating around
3. My computer desk, which will soon be gone and replaced with a table. Notice how I'm using washi tape to put stuff on the wall above my desk. Man, I love that stuff!
4. My collection of washi tape...yes, I have a lot, but I've been using it to finish the canvas edges, so I do use it!
5. Sometimes I think K thinks my office is his playroom! He always finds great stuff to get into!
6. Edamame = Lunch
7. Lest you think I'm a health nut eating edamame for lunch, I also made these cookies (one of my all time favorites) and ate at least 5 throughout the afternoon and evening.
8. Children's Library Books = LOVE
9.This is totally getting on my nerves!!! Once my custom orders are finished I'll be putting everything away for Christmas and then redoing my office after Christmas to accomodate a big table.
10. Karsten with his tree...and a fire in the fireplace. (I bought all these soft ornaments at Target this year)
11. Mexican Chicken Vegetable Soup (recipe coming soon!)
12. A canvas I created, and kept... with one of my favorite Christmas candles...ever!