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August 25, 2012


Michelle Tanner

AHHHHHH I WANT IT ALL!!! I am LOVING every single on of those seriously!! Gonna go tweet about your blog post now & get the word out! Can't wait for your Grand Opening!!

Heather Q

Those are awesome! You're so creative :-) I would definitely like to purchase a few. Let us know when you're up and running!!


They look really terrific! I love all the tweeks and improvements you've made from our first attempt at this!


Ang- I love these. I already WANT to purchase 2 of them! You are very talented!


I LOVE Then Sings My soul! LOVE LOVE LOVE

Kristina Bowers

Can I send you this paper I've been saving for a while and have you make me a canvas?


I LOVE the butterfly one...but I've got to see the house first to know if somewhere to put it! All of them are fantastic, but the butterfly speaks to me....

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