Dear Karsten---
You are the sweetest, funniest, cutest, most charming little boy ever. Yes, I just said little boy. You're hardly a baby anymore, although you will always be a tiny little baby in my heart. You have grown so much since you're first birthday just two months ago. You aren't walking yet, but you're gaining confidence as you take one or two steps here and there. You're such a fast crawler that you see no need to stand on two feet. You know that walking will slow you down and you're always on a mission. You're also figuring out how to climb up on things. I found you like this a few weeks ago.
You're not very content to stay in your playroom for more than 20 minutes at a time. You realize that there's a great big house to explore and you don't like being shut off from exploration. We are spending more and more time in the kitchen/dining/living areas of the house. You love getting into the recycling basket every day, so mommy has to make sure there are no potentially dangerous objects in there while keeping a few water bottles, plastic containers, and boxes at your disposal. You take items out and put them back in over and over again. Then you drag the items around the house. Who needs toys when you have water bottles is a question we ask daily. You love throwing empty bottles around and squeezing them until they make sound.
I'm beginning to keep a few of your toys out in the living room as well, but honestly you want to play with our shoes (if they're out), recycling, dvd cases, and the ipad. You love the ipad and know that when you touch the screen things happen. You still spend time in your jumper almost every day because it's one place I can corral you while I get something done.
You absolutely love "juice" and by juice I mean a small amount of juice diluted with water. You won't drink milk and we're finishing up your last box of formula during your before bedtime feeding. We're not too stressed about you not drinking milk because you eat yogurt and cheese every day. You're becoming a good eater and have recently discovered pasta with red sauce. You devour it! You still love grilled cheese, thawed frozen peas, berries, and you just had watermelon for the first time. You were intrigued by it and wanted to chew on the rind.
You've gone to taking one, 1 1/2-2 hour nap each day. Once in awhile you'll sleep 3 or more hours, but that's rare these days. Mommy struggles with this more than anything else. BUT, she can't complain because you sleep soundly from 7:45pm-7:45am. She can also leave you in your crib for at least 30 minutes in the morning as you play. You actually enjoy going down for your nap and bedtime a bit early so that you can have time to unwind and play with your animals. We take all credit for your great sleep patterns because that is something we worked very hard at in your first year. You are still very attached to your wubbies and we don't plan on taking them away any time soon. I believe they are one of the reasons you're content to stay in bed. You have learned that when you get out of bed we throw the wubbies back in your bed and make a fun crashing sound. You always giggle and seem content to begin your day without them. We still take them in the car, but I'm beginning to keep them with me and only giving them to you if you get upset for some reason.
Speaking of the car, you're now in a front facing big boy seat. I love being able to see you and you love being able to see me and out the window.
We've been going to our neighborhood pool a lot lately and you love it. It gives us both a break from being at home. You love splashing and playing with your toys. You're getting braver and venturing further into the splash pad each time. We also went to Aunt Connie and Uncle Craig's pool last weekend and you swam floated with your cousin, Colton. Watching you two interact was funny. Neither of you get the sharing thing yet :)
You're getting to the age where you are wearing your heart on your sleeve. You're becoming more attached to Mommy and Daddy and don't care to be left in the church nursery. You also don't like when someone scares you or makes a loud noise. You got so upset the other night when Colton bumped into your walker with his walker and then he made a loud noise. It was funny, but I felt bad for you.
You enjoy watching the Sunny Side Up show on Sprout as well as the Good Night Show. When you hear the Pajanimals bedtime lullaby you know it's time for bed and you begin wanting your bottle. You're beginning to understand humor on tv and in real life and will often laugh. You are so funny and make Daddy and I laugh every day. You've recently discovered that if you blow raspberries on the leather couch it will make a fart sound and that just delights you to no end. You are such a boy!!!
You're hair is growing like crazy. I need to give you another haircut very soon. I haven't taken you to a professional yet, but the day is probably coming. One of your current obsessions is rubbing food into your hair while you're eating. It drives Mommy crazy and she hopes it's just a phase. You are guaranteed a bath every night now because of it! You also like playing "peek a boo" by covering your face with your hands.
We love you little bug.
Momma and Daddy
His first time on a "four wheeler" at a birthday party!
looking at the 2012 Project Life album
yes, we're still jet piloting
a new fave
yep, it's time for a hair cut!