this my tiny widdle baby's 1st birthday...BITTERSWEET is the only way I can describe this event.
this week....I am not going to complete a Project Life layout. I will do it next week, when I have time.
this parent's are coming to visit!!! They have actually been in Texas for a few days, riding their Harley in the beautiful Hill Country and visiting some lifelong friends.
this week...I hope to share a few recipes with you (so check back)
this week...I am preparing for Karsten's b-day party. I'm keeping it pretty simple; getting catered fajitas, Mom's making a dessert and I'm getting cupcakes from Crave, and the decor will be simple as well, but it still needs to be done.
this week...I am really praying for Karsten's birthmom. A year ago today, I had no clue that my life was about to change, yet she was preparing to place the child she had cared for, for 9 months, into a new family.
this week...I began a new Bible Study. David, a 90 day study, by Beth Moore. So far, I LOVE it!!!
this tiny widdle baby has not been napping well...this makes his momma quiet exhausted
this tiny widdle baby may be cutting molars...poor baby
this week....we have lots of company coming into town to celebrate Karsten's birthday
this cutie patootie wore these cutie patootie shoes.
this week...I welcomed the Pioneer Woman back into my kitchen in the form of her new cookbook!!! Tonight I'm making the Chipotle Steak Salad
this week...I've made smoothies for an afternoon snack 3 times. I use 1 cup pineapple juice, 1/2 can coconut milk (where has this been all of my life?), 1 cup frozen strawberries, a few tbsp coconut, 1 container of Yoplait coconut Greek yogurt, 1 scoop Central Market whey protein powder
While I don't wish exhaustion on you - I have to say that it's making me feel like my life 4 years ago wasn't that abnormal.
I was really beginning to think I was just that clueless and incompetent but seeing that your 1 year old acts the same way E did at that age - the world seems right. Ha! Just kidding. Kinda.
Love you and miss you! Wish I could be at the big party!!
Posted by: Kelly | April 04, 2012 at 11:06 PM