Dear Karsten---
Time if flying by...way too quickly! You're actually 11 1/2 months as I write this, but I hope you'll forgive me. Daddy and I attempted at getting some good photos yesterday, but you were more interested in putting your toys in your mouth. You must be getting some molars in because you're always chewing on something and have been running a low grade fever on and off for the past week.
We are in full swing of planning your birthday party. Which I know will be fun for all of us. You are certainly a great reason to celebrate!
This month you have begun talking more and more. You consistenly say "Da da da da dy" and "Key ca" which means kitty cat. You're also babbling more and more, especially in the car. You've also discovered that your voice can be LOUD and you think it's funny to shriek now and then.
You continue to be a pretty good eater, but are hesitant to pick up foods with a slimy texture like, bananas, mango, kiwi, etc. You love turkey, string cheese, strawberries, raspberries, and of course puffs, and cereal bars. You eat Greek yogurt mixed with baby food fruit and cereal for breakfast. You're great at feeding yourself, but don't want to hold your cup up to drink.
You love to play and will play by yourself as long as we're not in the room. If we're there, you want our attention. You love crawling all over us, using us as your personal jungle gym. You still enjoy watching Baby Einstein videos, jumping in your Jumperoo, looking at books, playing with your toys, and walking in your walker.
You love being outside and taking walks in your stroller. You get SO relaxed on walks. You just kick back and enjoy the ride.
I'm guessing you're about 21 lbs, which is right where you should be based on what you weighed at birth. I know you're healthy because your hair and nails grow really fast. I had to give your hair a good trim the other day and now you look like a big, big boy!
We love you little bug!
Mommy (and Daddy)
Karsten with his best buddy
love that drool!
and one with Momma and Bug after his bath
Definitely going fast! Karsten is just beautiful. And as usual, seeing his photos has just made my morning that much brighter..........can't wait for your next visit to IL!
Posted by: Carol H - Fairview Heights, IL | March 27, 2012 at 09:05 AM