We live in the same city as Brian's Aunt Gail and Uncle Jim, yet sadly, we don't see them nearly often enough. I think both parties have resolved that we MUST get together more often. I remember the first time I met Aunt Gail and Uncle Jim early in my relationship with Brian. I immediately loved them and I think the feeling was mutual :) Now, we have a little boy that they adore so very much. Since both sets of Karsten's Grandparents live out of state Brian and I realize how important it is for us to see Aunt Gail and Uncle Jim at least every couple of months.
Usually we go to see them (they live about 50 minutes away), but this time they came to see us! I love hosting people and I took special care to make a yummy meal and set the table to reflect the season. All of these recipes will be on the blog this week. I woke early and made a quick trip to the Bayou City Farmer's Market in order to get fresh beets and flowers. I made Roasted Beets with an Orange Vinaigrette, Fresh Mozarella Salad with Avocado, Roasted Corn, and Grape Tomatoes, Greek Orzo Salad, and Chicken Salad Sandwiches. I also made a yummy, but strong, Sangria.
Karsten napped through our lunch which allowed for adult conversation. Once he was up we fed him lunch and then went for a little walk in our neighborhood.
love this photo!
Thanks for a great day Aunt Gail and Uncle Jim...we'll see you in a few weeks for the Texas Bluebonnet Festival!
I love your table! Very pretty.
Posted by: Danice Oliver | March 25, 2012 at 07:20 PM