1. I know I've seemed to disappear this past week from the web...I have good reasons though...
2. We're moving into our house tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. To say that we're excited is quite an understatement...we are thrilled with how everything turned out.
4. Our painter has added color to many rooms and tomorrow our movers will add the furniture and boxes, boxes, and more boxes.
5. My Mom flies in on Thursday afternoon and will help me unpack the boxes she helped me pack last Spring. Thank God for Moms who help with exhausting chores like packing and unpacking!
6. Karsten has been a little trooper these past few days. We've been on the road a lot, running errands, visiting the house, a trip to Ikea, and running more errands. This has left him in his carseat more than I would like, but he's been groovy through it all. Content, happy, and smiling at nearly every girl that walks by.
7. Brian and I foresee that our little boy is going to be quite the charming, ladies man. I've never seen anything like it. He hardly gives men a glance, but a cute girl walks by and he cranes his neck to watch her pass and try to get her attention. I laugh now, but Lord help all of us when he gets older.
8. I don't have much left to do tonight...just fold a load of laundry and watch Parenthood. One of the few shows I'm allowing myself watch this Fall.
9. I've made the committment to cut WAY back on the television watching in the house. Living at my Aunt and Uncles has helped me to see that I really don't miss it and I certainly have lots of other things to do these days.
10. And one of those things will be getting back to blogging 3-5 times a week...just as soon as we're moved in and I have a few necessities unpacked. More from our new address in just a few short days! Until then....guess what Brian surprised me with the other day?????
SO EXCITED for you! Wish I was there to help you unpack.
Posted by: Danice Oliver | September 27, 2011 at 10:38 PM