Last Sunday, August 7th, Karsten turned 4 months old...
Dear Karsten---
How is it possible that you are already 4 months old? We've watched you grow and learn and stretch your body and mind, yet it seems like just yesterday we met you for the first time, so tiny and precious. You've gone from this 7 lb 3 oz bundle of love into a 13 lb 12 oz bundle of enthusiasm and happiness.
just days old (I already miss how tiny you were) April
1 month old May
2 months old (still my favorite photo ever) June
3 months July
4 months August
This past month has been wild and crazy, but you have kept Mommy and Daddy grounded and laughing the entire time. We've moved into Aunt Connie and Uncle Craig's house because some bad people robbed our apartment and stole our cars. We love you so much and were fearful that something might happen to you, so we got out of there as fast as possible. You cooed and drooled and were groovy through all of it.
You have changed so much in the past month. My tiny baby has become an infant, with chubby legs and the most kissable cheeks ever. You are constantly putting things into your mouth; hands, fingers, bib, burb cloth, blanket, toys, etc. You gnaw and drool to your heart's content, though teeth are not in sight yet. Dr. Gray said it's normal to do this several months before you cut teeth.
This month you've spent time in the Aunt Connie and Uncle Craig's pool, which you love. You've also spent more time in your Bumbo and continue to play on your farmyard play gym. What's different now is that you grab and pull at your toys, especially the moose.
This month has been magical for Mommy and Daddy. Not only are you cooing more, smiling more, and laughing've learned to sleep through the night (mostly)!!! I think one of the big catalyst to this beautiful thing is that you've discovered sucking your thumb. You don't do it during the day and you will still take a pacifier, but at night you will find your thumb and sooth yourself. The first night Mommy slept straight from 10:30-7:30 I jumped for joy!
Your love of blondes has not changed. You're favorites are Auntie Jessica, Emily, and Kathryn Hageman. You are a BIG flirt and always smile, coo, and bat your big eyes when we're out and about. Everyone thinks you are very cute...which of course, you are!
You are learning to enjoy storytime. Now you will look intently at the photos as Mommy reads to you. Your favorite books are Andy Alligator and Charlie the Ranch Dog.
Your nicknames continue to be Bugaboo, Little Bug, Drooly Droolerson, and K-Bug. You view Daddy as "happy, party, fun time", but when you're sleepy or upset you certainly want your Mommy! Daddy has a nearly impossible time putting you to bed...but 30 seconds with Momma holding you, you will relax and begin to close your eyes. We've got to figure out how to break this habit, but we'll wait until we move into our new house.
You're still in size one diapers, but once we run out of what we have you'll move up to size 2. You can still fit into Gymboree 0-3 months and Carters 3 months, but Mommy has stocked up on the next size up because anyday now you'll bust out of these sizes. You're eating anywhere from 32-36 ounces of formula each day and are 13 lbs 12 oz. You're 23 inches long.
You continue to delight us more and more every day. You have a friendly personality and love to smile at us. We know how blessed we are to be your parents and to have the honor of raising you. Although it seems like you're growing too quickly we are so thankful that you're healthy and thriving. We try to make every day count with you, to embrace the sweet and tender moments, and delight in the silly ones.
We love you!
Mommy and Daddy
He's a big boy! Miss him. Thanks for sharing... Love reading this
Posted by: CB | August 12, 2011 at 12:41 AM