Regular blog readers may wonder where I've been. I was on a blogging roll and poof, I stopped. Trust me...I have a good (or is a bad) reason.
I mentioned in a previous post that our apt had been broken into and my keys, cell phone, and car were stolen. As if that weren't enough drama for one tiny family living in a tiny little apt in a great big city Monday morning Brian discovered that his car had also been stolen. He had the keys and key fob reprogrammed since we knew the thieves had keys to his car as well, but that did not deter them. Sometime between Saturday morning and Monday morning they took off with the Mazda 3.
We decided at once that we were fleeing/moving/ getting the heck out of that place immediately. We weren't sure if we were being targeted or what might happen next and we didn't want to find out. We felt God saying GET OUT and so we have, mostly.
Here's an email I sent to some of my family and friends today...instead of retyping everything I'm just going to cut and paste. Regular blog posts will come back soon....
Dear Friends and Family--
Most of you know that on the night of July 15th, while we were sleeping, someone broke into our apt, stole my car keys and cell phone, and of course, stole my car. We filed a police report, contacted insurance, got a rental car, had our locks changed on our apt, and Brian had the key fob on his car reprogrammed because the thieves had a set of his car keys on my key chain. His car was not in the parking lot that night.
After some investigating we discovered that the man we lease from hasn't changed the locks between tenants, therefore any of his former tenants could have had access to the apt. There was no evidence of forced entry so it appears whoever got in had a key. We thought about moving out of the apt at that time, but because we only have 2 more months until our home is finished we decided to stay put....
UNTIL...Brian's car was stolen this past weekend. He discovered it early Monday morning when we went to his car to go to work. We decided immediately that we had to get out for our safety, but mostly for Karsten's safety. Monday was spent taking Karsten to our pastor's daughter who watched him all day Monday and Tuesday while we packed and moved things. My Aunt and Uncle, Connie and Craig, who live in Clear Lake graciously asked us to come stay with them. They have two extra bedrooms and very open hearts. After an order of events orchestrated by God, we found a lovely husband and wife who pet sit in their home. They are keeping Oliver and Zoe for the next two months and are charging us next to nothing. We had looked into Pet Resorts, but that was going to cost us over $1,000 per month for the cats to have a decent sized area to live. I refused to kennel them for 2 months...the space is just too small, and I felt that they would never be the same if we did that. They are getting love and attention and have the run of the house, although Oliver continues to hide. Which, if you know Oliver is totally him...he's the biggest (literally) scaredy cat on planet Earth! Zoe has already made new friends!
We still have a few things in the apartment and will finish moving out Saturday. We are putting most of it in storage and have only moved necessities here.
Last night Brian got a call from the Humble Police Dept (Humble is in North Houston) that they had recovered my Mazda CX-9. It's in working condition. A police officer had read that there was a stolen silver CX-9 and he while on patrol saw one being driven with dealer tags. He pulled up the number and discovered that it was indeed the stolen car. He pulled the people over and asked if they knew they were driving a stolen vehicle. They said they had a friend who let them use it and that he had another Mazda in Shepherd, TX way North of Houston, which is very likely Brian's car. It was discovered that there was a huge amount of Meth in the vehicle and it appears that my vehicle was being used a transport vehicle for drugs. Lovely, isn't it!!!! The driver and passenger were arrested, the drugs were confiscated, and the car was towed to a lot.
Brian, bless his heart, talked to insurance this morning and went to see the car. He said it's a bit beat up on the exterior and filthy inside, but our insurance is taking over and will get it re-registered with the state, get it inspected and repaired, get new locks and keys, and have a deep clean and detail on it before we get it back. Part of me doesn't want it back, but with buying a new house and needing to pay legal fees for Karsten's adoption, we really don't want to put out money if it isn't necessary. Plus, we aren't positive they will recover Brian's car and if so, he'll need to get a new one.
I believe with all my heart that although this is a huge hassle, God protected us from something much worse. Drug dealers and addicts will do just about anything to get money. The thought that something could have happened to Karsten or us brings me to tears. I have to remind myself that He protected us. We're very thankful that this didn't happen while we were out of town for 2 weeks....they would have taken everything in the apartment and either taken the cats, hurt them, or let them outdoors never to be seen again. Like I said, although this is scary, we really were spared.
Sorry for the long, mass email....I just know that everyone is wondering what happened and if we're ok. We are, we're safe, and thankful to be in a home. We thank you for your prayers, they have been felt. My prayer now is that Brian's car will be recovered and all involved will be brought to justice. I believe that God will bring good out of this. If a huge drug ring could be taken down, that would be a huge victory.
Love to all--
Oh my! I had gotten bits and pieces of the story from Facevook but not the whole thing! I am so grateful you guys were totally protected and only vehicles were involved. Hopefully things can calm down now and you can get everything sorted out with insurance. Thank God you are all okay, I shudder to think what could have happened. I want to skype with you after we get back to KL. Drop me a note of when would be a ggod time! Miss you. Love, d
Posted by: Danice Oliver | July 27, 2011 at 08:56 PM
Keeping all of you in my prayers to remain safe and have no more of this! God is good and has certainly kept you in His loving hands. Just so glad you are all OK!
Posted by: Carol | July 27, 2011 at 10:13 PM
What a scary experience, but I'm so thankful you are all ok!
Posted by: Stacy Peck | July 28, 2011 at 01:10 PM
glad you are all ok. what a scary story.
Posted by: Wendy K | August 03, 2011 at 10:30 PM