Dear Karsten---
Let's look at how you've grown!!!
3 days old
1 month old
2 months old
3 months old-
3 months of pure delight for Daddy and I. You are growing by leaps and bounds. You weigh 12 lbs 7 oz, which means you're gaining about 2 lbs per month. Dr. Gray says you're very healthy and right on track from where you started at 7 lbs 3 oz. You have outgrown many of your clothes and are really filling out other clothes. Carter's 3 month still fit you, Gymboree 0-3 month still fit you, and Baby Gap 0-3 still fit you...BUT, in another month I think you'll be in the next size up!
This month has been one of new adventures for you! You flew on an airplane 3 times and were perfect! You met your Great Grandparents in Illinois and Nana and Franpa in TN. You have been to 5 states, at 3 months old! Texas, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, and Georgia (for a few minutes, but it counts). As of right now you're a great little traveler.
You LOVE to be sung to. Many times you try to sing coo along. Kiki started singing "you are my sunshine" to you every morning and now Mommy sings it to you. I also sing the "Bugaboo" song to you and countless others. You love music and when watching the fireworks on tv on July 4th you were bouncing to the music. Your nicknames are Bugaboo, Mr. Baby, Little Bug, K Bug, and Sunshine.
You are eating about 4.5--5.5 ounces at every feeding, and a couple of weeks ago you started to sleep through the night!!!!! You still wake up a time or two, or three....but I reposition you, give you your pacifier and you're out. It's true, once you hit 12 lbs you were able to do it! I am ever so thankful that we started healthy sleep patterns with you at a young age. You're tummy issues seem to be mostly resolved and you haven't had Gripe Water in about 2 weeks! **On 7/11/11 you slept totally through the night from 10:30-7:30, never waking up once!!!!**
Your personality is really shining through. You are very happy most of the time and smile quite a bit. Morning is your favorite time of day. You now wake up anytime in the 6:00-7:00 am hour and are content to lay in your crib for 10-15 minutes and just coo and talk to yourself. When you see me you give me this huge smile and kick your legs.
You are so excited to see Daddy when he gets home from work. I think you link Daddy to happy, party, fun time. Because of this you sometimes fight sleep when he's putting you to would play all night with him if you could!
Last night you had been playing on your farm playmat for about 10 minutes and you started to cry really hard. Daddy went and picked you up and you settled right down and smiled. When he sat down on the couch with you, you began this little game. You would stick out your bottom lip and try to make yourself cry, then you would break into a smile. This went on for quite awhile and Daddy and I just couldn't stop laughing. I see acting in your future! You've learned that when you cry we respond, so now you're learning to use that to your're a very smart boy!
Your biggest discovery this month is your hands. You like touching your bottle when I'm feeding you and sticking your fists in your mouth all day long. The drool that you create is out of control and now we go through at least 2 bibs per day. I love the photo below because you can see how you put your thumb between your pointer finger and middle finger much of the time. In fact I found a photo from the day we got you and you did the same thing then too!
Everyone we encounter, friends, acquaintances, and strangers alike all say that you are one of the cutest babies they've ever seen! What is even better is that your personality matches your cuteness. We love you so much and have so much fun being your parents.
Love, Mommy and Daddy
This is so you right now...always wanting to put soft things in your mouth!
Karsten has grown so much in his first three months! He's getting cuter all the time (how is that possible?). His eyes are so deep and soulful. And YAY KARSTEN for sleeping so well already!
Posted by: Carol H - Fairview Heights, IL | July 13, 2011 at 09:14 AM