how I must begin this post. I told you about a month ago that I have been called to writea few years ago. Then in February I was asked to write an article for a "Between the Lines", a magazine published by the women's ministry at my parent's church. Well friends, the magazine and my article have been published. I'm very excited because I know God's hand is all over this opportunity and any future opportunities.
To sign up for a hard copy or e copy of the magazine or read the current issue visit the journey's website.
As I wrote in my previous post "It's the write time", the theme for this quarters magazine was words. Seriously couldn't have been more perfect for me! The article I wrote ended up being a bit too long, so Emily, the editor, gave them a link to my blog to finish reading how 2011 has been my year of Delight!
Below is the article as you will read it in the magazine and tomorrow, I will keep the remainder of the article at the top of my blog for about 10 days for those visiting for the first time!!!
I've decided to include a few photos that represent each word...not all of the photos are pretty, in fact the first one is humbling, but I believe that by using photos you will visually see God's faithfulness!
My prayer is that through my story telling and writing that readers will see that God is faithful and He deserves all praise, glory, and credit for my blessed life. He is continually working and orchestrating things to happen in His perfect timing! I also hope that readers will encounter words, and the power that words hold, in a whole new way. That maybe, just maybe, a few of them will take on the spiritually creative exercise of choosing one little word!'s the article that will be in the magazine or e-magazine...the remainder of the article will be at the top of the blog tomorrow!
The power of words is an amazing thing. One word can lift you up or tear you down, encourage you or devastate you. Our lives are filled and sometimes bombarded with words and messages from every angle. We are thrilled when our child says his or her first word and frustrated when they discover the power of the word NO! In home décor these days you will frequently find words and quotes applied to walls, a carved out word may sit on your bookshelf or mantle. I have a plaque in my kitchen that says “Simplify” as a reminder to do just that.
How interesting that in Scripture Jesus is referred to as The Word. “In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God.” (John 1:1 NLT) God created the world with His words and God has given us His Word, the Bible, as a guide for our lives. Words hold power and influence, God’s Word holds the ultimate, divine power and influence.
In January 2007 I made a decision to choose a word for that year. Not just any word, but a word that I felt would encourage me, focus me, and remind me of God’s promises. Going into 2007 I faced an incredibly tough journey ahead. I was in heart failure and needed a heart transplant, a second heart transplant at that. I knew the pain, uncertainty, and hardship that awaited me, but I also knew that God has proven His faithfulness to me and would see me through the dark valleys ahead. After much prayer and searching the Scriptures the word steadfast seemed to encompass my life spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Psalm 112:7 states “They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD. Isaiah 26:3 states “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Whenever I began to worry about what loomed in my future, I would bring to mind these Scriptures, these promises, this word to lift my spirit. I reminded myself daily that I needed to remain steadfast and trust that God would work out the details. He did! On October 23, 2007 I received a perfect new heart and 3 ½ years later I’m thriving and healthier that I’ve ever been. Nothing I did during that time allowed me to get a heart faster, but remaining steadfast on what His word promised me gave me peace and joy during a stormy time in my life.
(just a day after surgery)
At the beginning of 2007 I liked the idea of choosing a word, but had no idea how powerful this yearly exercise would become for my spiritual life. Every year since, I have spent time preparing my heart and mind to choose a word that would set the tone for that year. I typically choose a Scripture to reinforce my word, this way I have God’s Word backing up my word.
2008 would be a year of restoration physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. I chose the word restore to mark that year. Psalm 30:2 states “O Lord my God, I cried to you for help, and you restored my health.” He faithfully restored my health, my life. Just 9 months after my transplant my husband and I climbed to the top of a 14,000 foot mountain in Colorado; my health was restored.
(Mt. Evans Colorado 14,240 feet)
In 2009 I was recovered and needed to find a new purpose for my life. “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28. I was blessed to return to teaching Elementary School full time, return to serving in our church, and find new ways to use my God-given talents.
(very blurry photo of my first day of teaching)
I knew that 2010 was going to be a year of seeking five things in my life: God, Vitality, Discipline, Balance, and Adoption. The word seek bookmarked that year as did Matthew 7:7-8 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
(adoption paperwork completed and ready to mail--September 2010)
As 2011 approached I began searching for a new word. I had prioritized seeking God, vitality, discipline, balance, and adoption, but felt that there was a component missing. In a quiet time one day I came across a familiar verse. Psalm 37:4-5 says “Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” Delight, that’s what I desired. I had grown accustomed to seeking God, exercising and eating right, practicing discipline, finding balance, and worked through adoption paperwork but it had all become mundane, part of my routine, something to check off my mental and physical check list every day.
I mentioned earlier that one thing I, along with my husband, were seeking in 2010 was adoption. I am thrilled to report that on April 10, 2011 we adopted a perfect, newborn baby boy. I believed that if I delighted in the Lord, committed my plan and desires to Him, and trusted Him to orchestrate the behind the scenes story that He would bless us with a child. I had always imagined adopting a girl, but the moment I laid eyes on our son there was no doubt that God’s fingerprints were all over him. He is our dream come true and a great delight to us.
(our first family photo taken in the hospital the day we met Karsten and brought him home)
There are times when we have to surrender our plans, our hopes, our desires to make room for His plans, His hopes, and His desires for our life. It’s not an easy process; it requires spiritual maturity, prayer, and confidence that His plans are always better. I can attest that there is nothing better than delighting in Him, committing our ways to Him, and trusting Him to intervene on our behalf.
Consider the power of words in your own life. What word(s) resonate with you in a meaningful way? Is there a specific Scripture that is a guiding light in your life? Are the desires in your heart God’s desires for you? Singing praises, journaling, reading His Word, serving others, keeping a gratitude journal, and surrendering your plans are some of the ways you can take delight in the Creator and Provider. How do you take time to delight in the Lord?