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April 12, 2011



Your story gives me the chills. What an amazing testament to God's love! Congrats!

Lisa Ragland

I am just so excited for the three of you. God picked just the right mommy & daddy for this precious boy.

Yvonne Ybarra

He is sooooooo adorable. What a cutie! And I read Kelly's blog too and that sweet pic of the 3 of you brought tears to my eyes. What a blessing she drove down to experience your miracle. So very happy for you, and what a great sleeper!!!


I've been keeping up with you and just wanted to say congratulations!!!!!!! We are so happy for yall :) I love your blog. Will be following you!! -kyrbie

Beverly Harrison

So very, very happy for you. I have been enjoying reading your blog in the mornings with my cup of coffee. This all brings such joy to my heart and praises to our Lord.


Am I really that much taller than you? Geez.

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