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April 11, 2011


Amy Beachy

amazing story. thanks for sharing it with us!!!


Angela - I am completely bawling here! What a beautiful story. I am so happy for you and your husband. A baby will absolutely change your life! God is so awesome! Congratulations!!


I have tears in my eyes - God is goo!. Congrats again!


God is good, not goo!! Oops!

Carol H - Fairview Heights, IL

More tears of joy for you! I absolutely love the picture of you looking at Karsten and the look of "that's my mommy" on his sweet little face. What a wonderful way to start my week! God bless you, Brian, and Karsten.

Christine Humphries

Precious story <3
I love, love, love the picture of you staring down into his bassinet. So sweet!

Michele Pasbrig

A three-day young baby, so fresh and new! He's very beautiful and angelic! So excited for the three of you! Angela, you're such an amazing Mama already! Can't wait to hear more about Karsten. You are so wise to put him in a pack 'n play for now. M sometimes sleeps in hers. I also used a co-sleeper and bassinet (both borrowed from friends) for the first couple of months.
Blessings to the three of you.....hope you're able to take lots of naps!

Yvonne Ybarra

He is precious!!!! I am sitting here in tears. What a great GOD we serve.
Congrats! Boys are the best and love their mommy :) And what a beautiful name. All the best Angela.

Sarah Callaway

Hey Angela! I'm a college friend of Kelly's and I click over to your blog occasionally since she talks about you a lot on hers! : ) Just wanted to send some more congratulations your way...what a blessing! Best wishes to you and your family! I will pray for you guys and little Karsten's birthmom.

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