1. God's plan is far better than anything we could ask or imagine. If you would have asked me a month ago what my deepest adoption dream would be I would have told you a Hispanic girl...now I cannot imagine life without my sweet natured, beautiful baby boy!
2. It's not worth trying to manipulate God's plan...when we found out just over a week ago that we might get a baby boy I hesitated for a second, always imagining myself with a girl. We could have said no based on what I had always imagined...but then I reminded myself that God was in control and He knew best. Thankfully I've already learned that lesson a time or two...or three!
3. Prayer works---there were so many people lifting us and the birthmom up in prayer. I believe that the intercession and faith of other believers is what gave her peace and strength to follow through with her plan.
4. God can use unplanned pregnancies and tough situations for His purposes. Praise Him for that!
5. I really can get by on less sleep than I'm used to...praise Him for that too!
6. Brian is amazing. He's been very hands on from changing diapers, to feeding, to helping with bathtime, to reading and singing to Karsten.
7. There's really nothing like good friends.
8. Babies love to be swaddled.
9. Mylicon is a life saver.
10. My kitties are great. Zoe is a bit jealous of the baby...she has been extremely needy, but she's adjusting and we're making a point to give her extra love. Oliver is curious and scared of Karsten. He's not one to like loud noises and although Karsten is usually quiet and content, he occasionally screams and cries and Oliver hides.
Amen to that. Love Karsten's smile laying with his daddy.
I remember my babies loved to be swaddled too. :)
Posted by: Yvonne Ybarra | April 14, 2011 at 01:55 PM
#8 and 9 were true for us too! And for #5, definitely true... and you can add "less money" to that equation too! at least, less spent on YOU! i spend everything i can on my daughter. i don't know the last time i bought myself new clothes, etc. i just don't have the desire for it anymore!
Posted by: Kacie | April 14, 2011 at 11:35 PM