As many of you in the Midwest and further North are bracing for a big winter storm, here in Houston our temps are in the 60's today. (although it we will see lows in the 30's later this week) I wouldn't trade you for anything right now...and neither would Zoe! Last week as Brian was fixing up the flower beds so that our house looks as cute as it possibly can in the middle of Texas winter, I allowed Zoe to go outside...and then couldn't resist taking pictures of the cute, gray, itty bitty kitty (that's one thing we call her)...because compared to her 17 lb. brother she is indeed itty bitty!
Zoe LOVES outside...she begs meows to go outside all.the.time! There is nothing she loves more than being outside with her humans, so she was exceptionally happy the afternoon I snapped these photos.
Do I see new flowers?
pretty purple flowers, those are new
do they smell good?
how do they taste?
you can't see me
This is my perfect day
is that my lizard friend I see?
I love my garden!
Very nice pictures!
Posted by: Danice Oliver | January 31, 2011 at 06:44 PM