1. I'm back to feeling like myself again :) the funk has faded away and for that I am thankful
2. I think I finally figured out how to boil an egg and make it perfect. Here's how. Place eggs in a pot and cover with cold water. Bring water to a boil with lid off. When water comes to a boil, turn off heat, cover with a lid, and let sit for 10 minutes. Drain off water and then shake the eggs in the pot to crack the shells just a little. Submerge eggs into ice water for a couple of minutes to stop the cooking. The water will seep under the shells making them very easy to peel. Pull out of the water and peel. Perfection. One tip I read in the same book If found these instructions in is this: If you're trying to make deviled eggs, turn the carton of eggs in it's side and the yolks will go to the center of the eggs, so even when you boil them the yolks will stay in place.
3. Brian and I have had to say goodbye to two of our favorite television shows this week; Lost and 24. These two shows have captivated us for years and have been two shows that we've loved watching together. I'm a total sap and cried at both endings...Lost, because I hated the ending and I grieved those silly characters....24, because Jack Bauer is a stud...but at least there's supposedly a 24 hour movie being made.
4. Actually, in a way, we're losing 3 shows this week. I think this is the last season we'll watch American Idol...mainly because Simon is leaving and he is the voice of reason and reality on that show. We might have to give the X factor a try though.
5. Speaking of American Idol...Lee or Crystal??? What a battle!
6. 6.5 days of school left!!!! enough said
7. FYI...Ann Taylor LOFT is having their savings card promotion right now. When you spend $50 you get a $25 savings card to use later. Loft is my favorite store and I need a few summer things, so I'll be there this weekend.
8. As I'm typing this I'm listening/watching American Idol and Crystal just sang "Up to the Mountain" she deserves to win...hands down!
9. We're going to begin studying Crazy Love in our small group...which is really good, because I never got through it and I really wanted to.
10. We're headed to Dallas for Memorial Day for the 3rd annual Moore crawfish boil.