Here are a few things going on in my mind and world right now:
Spent a very long day yesterday at the med center. I like seeing my doctors, but I despise waiting for them and being reminded that although I live a very normal life, the reality is that I will always be a transplant patient and continually need to be proactive with my health. doctor said I look great, my labs were better than last year (which were still good) and she gave me her blessing to adopt!!!! Yippee!!!
I'm SO READY for Spring Break...a week away from our crazy life enjoying time together in the beautiful southwest.
As of today I've been married 8 years and 2 days :)
I had crispy tacos from Chipotle for lunch today because we had a half day so we could plan.
I left work today at 3:45, even though I have A LOT of work to do before Spring Break
I'm watching American Idol from Tuesday night right now
I wish my nagging cough would go away...for good!
We have small group at our house tonight
I love seeing flowers blooming in our front yard when I drive up to the house.
what lens did you use on the flower photo?
Posted by: Beverly Harrison | March 13, 2010 at 08:13 AM
Canon 50 mm (my favorite lens)
Posted by: Angela | March 14, 2010 at 04:21 PM