2.1.2010 Oliver always stays in bed after I get up in the morning. It's as if he's saying please come back to bed and snuggle me.
2.2.2010 Now Zoe on the other hand...she spend most of the morning sitting on the sink while I get ready. Sometimes she meows at me, but most of the time she just sits and watches. I don't mind, but always get a little worried that she's going to step on my flat iron or curling iron.
2.3.2010 Everyday I try to take a B complex vitamin as well as 1 or 2 whole food vitamins. They really make all the difference in my energy and stamina and I attribute taking them to my hair getting thicker and my nails growing like crazy!
2.4.2010 I frequently have both coffee and iced tea in my cup holders on the way to school.
2.5.2010 Finally, Brian's long hours are over and we can watch LOST, one of our favorite shows to watch together. Brian worked 80 hours over the course of 5 days this week.
2.6.2010 Falcon Pass Elementary, where I teach, had their school carnival on Saturday. Words cannot begin to express how huge and outlandish this carnival was. The PTA moms worked since October planning this huge fundraiser. They have everything you can think off, with the exception of carnival rides. One part of the carnival was to bail your teacher out of jail. Whatever grade level collected the most tickets while their teacher was in jail won. Teachers volunteered to sit in jail for 15 minutes. I knew I would go to the carnival, to make my appearance, so why not volunteer to sit in jail. I had one of the moms take this photo! OH, and Third Grade won!!! We gave them no homework for a week and a donut party!
2.7.2010 Wow...what a Super Bowl! I don't think I've ever sat and watched an entire football game, but this one kept my attention. Plus, the commercials were quite funny. The Saints won against the Colts...I am documenting this because I won't remember in 6 months.
**this was a hard week, especially at the beginning. Brian was in a start up at work and he is currently doing 3 full time jobs. One night morning he didn't get home until 6:45, as I was leaving. The other couple of nights it was 2 or 3 am. That craziness is over now, but he is still working 3 full time jobs. Although his hours have been crazy, I know that he isn't the kind of man who will sacrifice his family in order to climb the corporate ladder...and for that I am very thankful! This last weeks photos should be posted tomorrow!