I know it's been a long time since I've blogged...I haven't had internet access at the house, due to some phone lines that aren't working yet, and I can't access typepad at school. I"m at my aunt's house blogging this. We officially moved in a week ago Sunday, March 22. The boxes are dwindling and the house beginning to get settled. We have received all of our furniture that we had restored and it looks awesome. We went with a darker finish and I love it, although it does show every speck of dust and kitty fur! Our bedroom furniture will be delivered this Saturday and I am very excited about that. We will move our current bed into the guest bedroom so my parent's have somewhere to sleep when they are here over Easter. I will begin taking some photos and try to get to Panera to blog this weekend. I know people are anxious to see photos of our new, old house. More soon....