I think about a week has passed since my last blog entry...we've had an incredible amount of stuff going on in our life. 16 days ago Hurricane Ike hit the coast of Galveston Texas and our life will never be the same again. We have forever been touched by it's mass devestation to our community and to our home. We began our week by having a new mattress delivered to our 3rd story apartment in Clear Lake which Brian put together with our bedframe (which was one of the few salvagable things we have) We began sleeping at the apt, with the kitties, on Tuesday night. It has been a rough week, trying to get our apartment settled, but with no furniture that is difficult to do. Brian returning to work, trying to tie up loose ends, meeting with the adjuster, contractors, dealing with insurance (headache!!) etc. I managed to get my kitchen settled as much as possible, but I didn't pack and label the boxes so I am missing plates, all of my glasses, etc that it takes to make a kitchen function. You might say that I could go to storage and rummage through the boxes we took there, but I'm not about to rummage through 80 boxes just to find some plates and glasses. Today I made a trip to Pier One and got 4 place settings and 8 glasses. I figure that's enough for a year...we're certainly not going to be entertaining in our tiny apt. We've also planned on having the house fixed up and then selling it. We're hoping to sell it, stay in the apt, save money, and then buy a house with a large down payment sometime next year.
I've learned that if you pray for rain you better be prepared to deal with some mud! Basically in my journaling the past few months I've been praying for God to help me simplify my life...well, He has definitley done that. We're down to the bare minimum in our apt...with the exception of my scrapbook stuff that managed to get moved with us. I'm certainly not trying to whine and complain....it's just that you learn what you really can live without. I've been wearing the same 2 pair of shoes, the same 3 pairs of socks, the same pair of jeans, etc. Thankfully we do have a washer and dryer so I've been able to wash clothes and towels everyday. We will have satellite and internet connected to our apt on Tuesday, so I will be able to get photos posted and blog more. Until then....take a moment to see what 20 things you could live without and give them away this week! it's actually a bit liberating!