I've spent the last couple of days resting and relaxing. Yesterday I think I slept a total of 16 hours (12 hours at night and two 2 hour naps!) Seriously. I've learned that if I don't listen to my body's needs I will pay. Unfortunately I missed church yesterday and small group tonight, but I'm beginning to feel a bit better. We're planning on going to San Antonio this weekend for a Spurs Game and to spend time with our friends Ryan and Kelly, so I must rest this week so I"m ready for a weekend of fun in the Alamo City.
On Saturday I did go to the new Archiver's that openned about 45 minutes from my house. I made this cute frame
as a make and take and put my favorite Kelly/Angela picture in it. Tomorrow I will take a picture of more of my goodies and post it. Notice Zoe in the background of the photo...I can't take a picture without her wanting to be a part of it!
Speaking of Zoe, today I let her outside, and a few minutes later she came running into the house like a bee was chasing her. She was shaking her head, and licking her mouth, I went outside to find a stink bug on the patio. I squished it of course, but I'm pretty sure that she was sprayed with it's foul tasting/smelling protectant. Poor baby....I guess that's what she gets for trying to be every insects friend!
love the frame!!!
Posted by: Kelly | February 20, 2007 at 12:15 PM