I've started making my Tuesday a scheduled home day. The day I dust, vacuum, clean the bathrooms, get some laundry done, and work on some projects around the house. Last night I began a major clean out of our closet (mainly my side). Reorganizing t-shirts, sweats, purses, shoes, and putting away winter clothes and pulling out Spring clothes. Today I plan on finishing it. I'll probably even take a picture and hang it in my closet, so I can remember what I like it to look like!
My picture challenge for today was to take a picture of something outside of my home. I immediately knew that I had to take a picture of the gorgeous geraniums on our front porch. I look at these every morning as I have my quiet time. Just lovely!
My Bible study this week is focusing on humility and obedience in order to carry out God's purpose in our lives and in the world. The study has been focusing on Phillipians 2. In order to experience joy in our lives we need to be united with other believers, staying humble so that we can focus on God's purpose in our lives. Christ provided us with the perfect example as he humbled himself and took on the likeness of a human. He showed obedience to God by dying on the cross, so that he could carry out God's purpose----not just salvation, but that God will be glorified and worshipped. So I ask myself, what do I glorify and worship in my life? Do I glorify myself or others more than God? Do I worship God or idols I have constructed such as clothing, work, image, perfection, scrapbooking, etc? My priorities reflect my idols. If my priority is serving others, glorifying God, living in obedience, and allowing His purpose to be carried out in my life then enjoying other things is fine. It's when I begin to elevate other things and actions above God that my joy will be taken away. True joy comes from humbly acknowledging that God is in control. Joy is a product of putting God as the #1 priority in every aspect of my life. We cannot rely on our own strength to make God #1 in our lives. We must not only believe that God is the only one who has power to save us, but God is also the only one who has the power to change us so that we can live obediently. We must continually tap into that power...His Power. He is the supplier of the power and desire to serve Him. There is no way we can serve and live obediently by ourselves, just as it is impossible for us to save ourselves. This is a prayer that Tianne Moon, the author of this study, prays when she wants to be obedient but knows she doesn't have the power to do it on her own.
"God, I know what I should do, but I don't have the strength or desire to do it. Please change my heart so that I will desire what You desire. In the meantime, give me the strength to do what You want me to do. Thank you for not making me walk life's road alone!"