Today is one of my best friends, Carrie Beth's big 30!!! I just wanted to post a blog telling everyone how much I love this girl. We've been close friends for about 7 years. It was one of those friendships that was meant to be....both of us are orginally from St. Louis, we both worked at custard stands and the Limited when we were younger, we both still have our baby blankets, we're both teachers, we both must have shoes, belts, purses that match, we love chick flicks, God, reading, etc. etc. So, happy birthday my dear friend. I love you very much and know that God has some pretty cool stuff planned for your 30th year ;) The picture above was taken in Kenya last summer on a mission trip that Carrie Beth went on. She has an incredible spirit and she loves serving God through missions. She has a special place in her heart for Starfish Kenya a wonderful place where AIDS orphans in Kenya are given a second chance. I encourage you to click on the link and see what incredible work God is doing in these precious children's lives.