This week's scrapbook challenge was our favorite song right now. Here are my thoughts....below is the layout....and below that are the lyrics.
Surrender…..that’s the title of the song that challenges me every time I hear it or think about my what God is asking me to do right now. Surrender….let it go….lay it at my feet….put all of your dreams and hopes into my Almighty hands….and have faith that My Plan is far better than your own. Surrender….know that in the pain and suffering that is to come I will be holding you and your dreams….Let it go….Rest in Me….stop carrying all of these burdens and let me carry them for you. Look back at your life, think of what you had planned, and then think about what happened when you surrendered your plans to me. Even the trials happened in order that My perfect plan for you could be made real. Do you think that now, after all we’ve been through that I will let you down that I will allow suffering with no purpose in mind? Be still and KNOW that I am God….I am the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Let me hold your dreams, not so that I can crush them, but so I can add unimaginable, beautiful, amazing things to them. SURRENDER
My hands hold safely to my dreams
Clutching tightly not one has fallen
So many years I’ve shaped each one
Relflecting my heart, showing who I am.
Now you’re asking me to show
what I’m holding Oh so tightly.
Can’t open my hand; can’t let go
Does it matter? Should I show you?
Can’t you let me go?
Surrender, surrender
you whisper gently
You say I will be free
I know but can’t you see
My dreams are me, My dreams are me.
Say you have a plan for me
And you want the best for my life.
Told me the world has yet to see
What you can do with one
That’s commited to your call.
I know of course what I should do
That I can’t hold these dreams forever
But if I give them now to you
Will you take them away forever?
Or can I dream again?