Ok girls, now don't be jealous of me...along with the fabulous "gucci gowns" I've gotten to sport this week during my medical testing I also received this personalized bracelet that is so cool....it even has my birthday on it. This bracelet is my ticket to get into all of those "employees only" doors at the hospital....They won't let you into the door until you can show your bracelet and confirm your name and birthday...once you've done that you're golden! Bless those poor people who can't remember their name and birthday....do they get to gain entrance to these secret chambers? I wonder! Maybe if I forget my information next Tuesday I won't have to do the stress test...hmmm, better yet....I'll get someone to wear the bracelet for me....they would never know it wasn't me....Any volunteers? Seriously!
All of my tests have gone fine so far....it did take 30 minutes yesterday to draw all of the blood they needed from me, but I only got stuck once though....my skinny vains are just slow as molasses. I expected to be at the hospital from 7:30-3:00 today, but was finished at 10:15, can you believe that? In all my time at hospitals I've never gotten out that early. Once my stress test is done next week, the transplant review board will get together and hopefully recommend that I be placed on the waiting list...From there it's just that waiting...it could be 2 days or 2 years...only God knows. I'm glad I don't know when it's going to happen....that way I can just live in my happy, blissful state until I get the call...then it's just a matter of hours before I"m at the hospital and on "I don't care" drugs. That's all for now....Angela